That’s not quite it for November, but 3.05 is taking a bit longer than expected and I’ll put it out on Monday.
The plaster Celtic knot decoration in the first panel is based on a real piece of art by my friend Max, and you can buy one of your own if you like! I also had help on the background elements of this one from my friends Ató, who hooked me up with lots of excellent socialist-era Hungarian interior design catalogues, and Qaz, who had useful thoughts on how different personalities mistreat succulents. All weaknesses and mistakes in the art remain entirely my own.
I can’t quite decide if I like Marha or not yet. She’s certainly a striking lady, but at the same time some of those emails(?) in the first panel are raising Questions. As does the idea of this ‘three-day rule’ as something everyone apparently knows about…
That ambiguity is exactly what I was hoping for, excellent c:
The three-day rule is just a slight adaptation of the Arab hospitality tradition – think 71-hour Ahmed. It’s taken seriously among the social class Marha thinks of herself as belonging to, although practically sees very little use in the city.