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3.09 published on 1 Comment on 3.09

I’ve only realised now scrolling through 3.06-3.10 that almost this entire section is three broad landscape panels to a page (breaking out on the next page.) Some of the cosmodrome session was the same – I think it’s what I mentally default to when I want to show lots of, well, landscape (as this section has been showing lots of building and vehicles – it’s the first daylight and close-up look we’re getting of any of the city).

It occurs to me that unlike the dialogue and other elements I don’t really consciously plan panel layouts out in advance – I know what I want to show and say but how it gets described doesn’t really take place until the sketching. It’s both an area I know I can improve (there are so many sophisticated panel-related storytelling tricks which more advanced comics do, and this is all quite straight-on and wooden) and one I am yet quite proud of (discovering many little symmetries). Hmm.