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3.10 published on 2 Comments on 3.10

And there’s p.310 and the whole January update done! I hope the February update will be fairly early in the month but am not certain yet.

Between now and then I’ll be posting a retrospective-on-year-1 post; I’ve got another Comics I Like post cooking as well but that might be after I update my own.


Thanks, as ever, for reading.

Oubliette is now part of KNIFEBEETLE!

Oubliette is now part of KNIFEBEETLE! published on No Comments on Oubliette is now part of KNIFEBEETLE!

As you will notice by the little widget below the navigation, I was accepted for listing on the delightful webring KNIFEBEETLE, which collates interesting long-form narrative comics.  I applied not really being sure whether my still-quite-scrappy comic meets the standards of polish required there, and was surprised and honoured to have made the grade – a number of, for my money, the best webcomics around are on there (O Human Star, Going to Weather, Ten Earth Shattering Blows) or associates (3rd Voice, Unsounded, Fairmeadow, Lost Things Club). Do have a look!



And for anyone coming here from other KNIFEBEETLE comics, hello, and I hope I live up to your expectations!